
Showing posts with label swap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swap. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2012

Speeding Along

I apologize for the double post, but blogger deleted my first draft of this blog! 
Dyeing play silks for the ocean sprite  swaps- see photos below. 

Wouldn't you know, it's mid-July already! It also means that summer is half over already. As a child July always seemed to speed by, much to my dismay. I was, and always will be, a beach girl. The ending of summer always was sad, since it meant less time near the sea. But in the same token, I loved getting back to school. School was an escape in itself from my tumultuous home life. 

On the subject of school, we still haven't made a firm decision yet for Deirdre. However, Jonas' speech assessment is in 12 days. Hopefully by then we will know more, as well as if school is in the future for him to help his speech vs. in home therapy. 

I spent some time in the book of James this week. I know that God is really speaking to me through chapter one. As I continue to meditate on it, I am hope it's specific application to my life will elucidate itself. Until then, I know I have asked God for wisdom and I believe that he will give it. I am not a wave on the ocean tossed about by the wind. I never have been

On the 4th of July we made firefly crafts from Kiwi Crate! And the even glowed! 

The kiddos on the 4th.  

I have been trying to soak up this time with the kids. Bit by bit I am getting out more. Bit by bit I am able to do more. I am starting to feel back to my old self, but a better more centered version. I also have been taking more time for myself, which means getting to the gym and waking up early for some quiet time. I have also been spending more time in the kitchen too. I am hoping to cut out more and more processed foods from our diet because for one it really is bad and two, it's expensive! Plus I do enjoy cooking as I have come to find out, especially since my little chef Jonas likes to help. Deirdre likes to bake more, she leaves the cooking for Jonas. Some of my more recent adventures have been making icecream, yogurt, fruit rolls, and just cooking more of our meals in general. 

We made ice cream on the 4th too. 

I also have been crafting a bit for the swap group I joined called bits of goodness. Here are my finished projects for the wizardry and summer swap. Being a part of this group is so much fun, plus my kiddos get great toys. 

Until next time, 

An ocean sprite, ocean silk, and mermaid table card.  
The sprite was wood burned. Then I dyed him with Stockmar watercolors. Then I finished him with shellac and added the wool roving wings. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yarn Along: Easter Egg Swap

Today, a day late I know, I am joining up with Ginny again at Small Things so show off my rainbow knitted Easter eggs, as well as the Dionne at Magic Onions and Linda at Natural Suburbia. It took me a little under a week to get these up. It helps that I have knit eggs before and had the yarn on hand. I am just so happy with them and I hope the other swap Mommies will like them too. Our swap is hosted by Julie at This Cosy Life. To go with the rainbow theme, I also am including matching canvas bags to hold each egg and a pot of paint. The paint is from one of my favorite companies, Clementine Art. They're based in the US and all their art supplies are plant based and eco-friendly.

I was going to do story wood eggs but they were not turning out as well as I  hoped, whereas these cuties are perfect! I used this pattern  from Purl Bee. My kids really don't want me to send these off but I promised them that they would be getting goodies in return. 

Speaking of other swaps, I did a St. Patty's Day swap with my friend Kelly at Happy Whimsical Hearts. We got our package from her yesterday- talk about quick shipping, go Australia! I wanted to share her lovely work with you all. We feel so blessed, thank you Kelly! 

I also just joined up with Carrie at Crafty Moms Share for her knitted farm swap. I am making 12 oat field blocks and i cannot wait. I am so happy I joined in, this will be so much fun and the pattern and timeline is very doable for me. 

So what are you all working on? 

Until next time, 

Made by Kelly at Happy Whimsical Hearts

Made By Kelly at Happy Whimsical Hearts