
Showing posts with label Viral Meningitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viral Meningitis. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A jumble of things!

Sometimes so many things happen in the span of two weeks that I just don't have time or the mental energy to blog and get it all down. I apologize for our absence. Between allergies, a hospital visit, two urgent care visits, a very pregnant mama with bronchitis, a blessingway, and new chicks... we have been busy

The funny part is that a baby is coming very very soon, so things won't be getting less busy. But I'd take a newborn any day to the past two weeks. I mean I do love our lives, but I do not like being sick or having to take my kids to the hospital, which thankfully last week was our first time ever with either of the kids.

Deirdre is totally fine now and thankfully the viral meningitis was quick and while very scary- totally benign in the long run. It is bacterial that you need to really worry about. Sadly the only way to tell the two apart is with a spinal tap. Deirdre however was a great patient and is unfazed by the whole experience.  She is convinced that the doctors and Mr. John's prayers    (a dear family friend) made her all better. 

I would however like to encourage all parents to take a look at what meningitis is and how to spot signs of it. We had no warning, no early symptoms (besides a sore neck), and no friend who she could have gotten it from. It blindsided us. She was totally fine in the morning. Then after nap, she would not wake up and I really thought I'd lost our daughter. The great thing is that bacterial meningitis is easily treatable if caught early, and while it is rare- I still prefer knowledge over ignorance. Here is a great article on it at 

But in happier news, we have new chicks! Four to be exact, two welsummers and two black copper marans. We also have a turkey chick by the name Thomas (we're really original over here!). We have yet to name the chicks but soon once they get more personality we will pick out some good ones. 

Our ducks have begun a nest and our goose is also laying eggs for us happily. She thinks the nest is hers, but sadly it is not. Their antics crack me up when I come out to find the goose has kicked the duck off her nest! 

Well I will leave you with some fun photos. I'll be back for a post about my Easter swap and some quilting as well as a run down of my blessingway. 

Until then, cheers!


Poor Jonas has allergies, but he sure loves the turkey! 

He also doesn't quite get closed mouth kisses yet! 


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Viral Meningitis Scare

Thank you all for your prayers last night for Deirdre. 

At 12:30 yesterday she complained that her neck her hurt out of the blue. After nap, she would not wake up immediately and it took me about five minute to wake her. She said she could not move and was inconsolable about her neck pain as well as very lethargic. We were advised to take the the ER for a possible case of meningitis. After about 6-7 hours in the ER (with lots of blood draws and a spinal tap later) we were given the clear to go home. 

Today at the pediatrician's office, we were told she most likely had a case of viral meningitis (which can quickly occur and go away). Her neck and symptoms should be all better in two weeks or less and she is not contagious. 

Last night was the most difficult challenge Craig and I have had yet with our kids and seeing them in pain, but God is good and we were covered in prayer. Thank you everyone, 

Now to rest...