Lovely and happy co-play- it warms my soul. |
Co-op Martinmas- minus Jonas who was running around like a crazy man! |
Fake snow courtesy of the Yankee Candle store! |
::right now:: a tradition birthed by Soulemama
Right now, I am...
:: surrounded by signs of the holidays in my home, city, and daily rhythm. And I love it!
:: sewing up a store. I have two Christmas quilts to finish (see below photos), and a birthday gnome quilt to bind by Saturday!
:: thinking up last minute ways to decorate for Deirdre's 4th birthday party this Saturday. She is having a gnome party and well if you hadn't noticed stores don't carry gnome party supplies. While this usually is not a problem for me, being sick and pregnant for the greater part of the past three months has taken a HUGE toll on my productivity!
:: wondering if it will snow on this Saturday like it did last year on Deirdre's birthday. I sure hope so!
:: letting go of my grand plan of hand making all my Christmas gifts. I had to outsource some of my gift-making to other sweet Etsy mothers. But, as I wanted, all my children's gifts and most of my immediate family gifts were handmade- and fair trade. A few were also made by yours truly! (By the way check out three places I bought from on Etsy: Natural Earth Farm and Fiber Studio , Christina Guenther Artisan Jewelry, Wyoming Rose!) :: praying my family and I remain cold free this winter. When I am pregnant my colds linger much longer than I prefer.
:: planning the rest of my co-op curriculum this month. My partner and I decided to not buy one this month and make our own since we don't really need extra help coming up with stories and crafts. Here's hoping the kids love it!
:: dreaming about my new baby as my body continues to gently remind that indeed there is a baby coming this Spring.
:: reading the winter edition of Rhythm of the Home magazine. My new article on handmade holiday soaps is posted in it as well in their 'Warmth' section, so check it out! :: listening to Paradise by Coldplay and letting it take me to a nice melancholy place that I sometimes like to visit.
:: treasuring the fourth year of marriage Craig and I will celebrate tomorrow. My degree, research, awards, scholarships, publications-basically any achievement I have- pales in comparison to the amount of work a happy and healthy marriage takes. And I am proud to say I consider our marriage my (and our) greatest achievement. Even more so than the effort we put into parenting. I just love Craig so!
:: backtracking a lot past co-op adventures that in my hyperemesis haze forgot to tell you all about- see our Martinmas photo above! But rest assured I will get there. We are still loving every moment of co-op!
:: and finally wishing you and yours a blessed week!