
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Geese, Ducks, and Rabbits oh-my!

Our nameless Americauna chick, suggestions?

I think the title of this post pretty much sums up what I am going to say :) Today Deirdre and I took a mommy-daughter day trip to West Point. The local tack and feed store there was hosting a poultry swap and we wanted to go check it out! After learning a little bit more about chicken's pecking order and seeing how unhappy Snow White was, we wanted to get her a little friend close to her age. 

Chickens, especially young ones, are social flock animals. When one is isolated, it causes undue stress and weight loss.  I tried 'look but don't touch' with Snow White and my other chickens, but it did not work and they continued to peck her badly. So we have to wait to introduce her once she is full grown and can peck back. In the meantime however she was not happy,and since we want her to be happy and lay eggs, we needed to get her a friend chick close to her age. After learning that the feed store where we got Snow White had no more chicks this season, we started looking elsewhere for a friend. Then this swap popped up, so off we went! 

It only took about an hour to get to West Point. It was just so beautiful there. Deirdre aptly commented "Mommy its so beautiful here. God did a really good job on this one". Sadly I forgot to take photos! I was just so enamored with all of the animals. 

The store was easy enough to find and it was packed! It was at the first stall, yeah that's right I did not make it past the first stall, where I saw the Americauna chicks. My mind was made up then and there. You see while I now have Dominique hens, we at first wanted Easter Eggers. Our Hatchery however did not have any left when it came time for me to order. Plus I was very happy with my Dominiques, they are so sweet! 

So instead of leaving with one Americauna chick, we got A pair of geese, a pair of ducks, a new doe meat rabbit, and our one Americauna chick. Craig had been commenting on how he wanted a turkey or goose to raise for Christmas, and he even tried to catch a baby duck at work. So when I brought these babies home, he wasn't shocked. He was actually pleasantly surprised, especially by the sweet geese and meat rabbit. Well, heck he liked them all. So now we are making plans for all of our new editions! Right now they are playing in our baby pool on the back porch and loving it! 

From left to right: Raspberry, Strawberry, Petunia, and Charles

Laying her head in my hand sweetly! 

Snow White: the white leghorn

Brownie: the New Zealand doe

Duffy: The Dutch Doe and my nemesis due to her being an escape artist! 

Cicero aka Fluffy: the Lionhead Buck

My big babies! Faline, Nala, and Simba.

And, I finished the Oliver and S bucket hat! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual started by Amanda Blake Soule. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Old Fashioned Iced Tea

Today it was in the high 90s with a heat index into the 100s and a bucket full of humidity to go with it. I attempted to take the kids out at 4pm, when it cooled off just a bit, to go in our baby pools. Neither of them wanted to go out. Both immediately went back towards the door informing me it was just "too hot".  Even my chickens wanted to stay in the coop. And that's saying something! 

So instead of outside, we had free play in the living room. I laid out a quilt, put on classical music, pulled out some old- new to them-toys and the kids went to town! Deirdre and Jonas usually do not play in the living room. I have a nice playroom set up for them which they tend to stay in. So the novelty of the quilt- which became an ocean and amusement park- in the living room entertained them endlessly. 

I know, I know, its a lot of sprinkles. Deirdre got a little carried away with shaking part! 

In the meantime I made a nice pork loin, salad, cookies, frozen banana pops, and iced tea for dinner. Both of the kids at different points helped me. Jonas is quite proud of himself now that he can stand on the stool next to his big sister. Plus with the temperature outside being ridiculous, iced tea was in order! 

So here is my recipe for Old Fashioned Iced Tea (really it is my version of what my Grandmother's tea tasted like with a few modifications)! Enjoy and stay cool. I am still working on the baby doll quilt tutorial. I will get it up this weekend after the poultry swap, I promise! 


  • 5 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of white Granulated Sugar
  • 4 tea Bags of your favorite teas- I chose 2 bags of Twingings Black Pomegranate Tea and 2 bags of Twingings Green Tea to give it a fruity twist.
  • 4 cups of boiling water

  1. Bring 4 cups of water to a whistling boil in a kettle.
  2. Add 5 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of white sugar, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to a heat-safe bowl or glass measuring cup 
  3. Pour the boiling water into the measuring cup with the honey and sugar in it. Stir the connects until the sugar and honey are dissolved. 
  4. Add the 4 tea bags to the cup and let them steep for 5 minutes. 
  5. Have a pitcher ready and remove the teas bags, pouring the measuring cup's contents into the pitcher. 
  6. Add cold water to the pitcher until it is full
  7. Let the contents chill in the refrigerator about an hour before serving- or add ice. (If the tea is too strong- or too dull for you-just add more water or let the tea bags steep a little longer.)


Loving her 'juice' tea! 

Daily Verse or Quote: 
Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 
-Colossians 1:9 NIV

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer's Flight

Nature's bounty from our garden today. Cherry tomatoes, an heirloom tomato, and raspberries! 

These past two days seem to have flown by. Summer seems to be flying by as well. And that is ok with me. I love summer but when time flies for us, it means that we are having fun. Yesterday we took a family trip to the Children's Museum of Virginia. After about 2 years of renovations, it finally re-opened. I took us about an hour to get there due to traffic, but the trip was worth it. They had exhibits for every age and interest. They even had a baby play room for Jonas. Jonas' favorite exhibit by far was the fire station. In it, they had fake fires that you had to put out and a life size firetruck cab to climb into. Even when we were in other exhibits close by, Jonas would BLOT back to the fireman's exhibit. Deirdre, well she loved everything. She was in heaven and was enamored about spending one on one time with her Daddy. Sweet bliss. 

Back to the subject of the summer flying by and Jonas. My baby is turning 15 months old on the 10th! He is walking, signing, and talking like a wild man. He really understands just about everything I say to him. I love seeing the little light bulb go off in his head. His personality is just blossoming and I feel like I can barely keep up. Its a new thing each day. Time just keeps flying by... 

With Deirdre its more subtle now. Her imagination, maturity, interests, complex thought processes are also blossoming. She is developing a sense of responsibly and also is learning how to fib (as all children do at this age). Fortunately Craig and I take all these changes with stride. Both our kids have such beautiful and strong spirits. Just like us! 

Right now, I am just feeling overwhelmed with joy. I am lavished with blessings from God through my husband and kids. I love being able to take a step back with this blog and just marvel at my life and what it has become. 

So dear summer, you have my permission to fly by. But please allow us sweet moments to savor and pause at while our babies are still babies. 

Daily Verse or Quote:
"Kiss your children now for soon they'll swim away" 

Crafty Goodness:
Tonight I finished a baby doll quilt for my daughter's doll "Vera" and knit doll booties. The quilt used scrap fabric from Deirdre's gnome quilt- so they will match! I will post a tutorial tomorrow for both. It was very very easy. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Seashore Sundress


The front
The back
More of the front

So once again I am having a short blog, but for good reason. I spent all my free time today sewing with Mom K (and then we and the kids picnicked on the beach for dinner). She helped me tackle the oliver and s seashore sun dress pattern that I just got for my daughter. It was my first time using and O&S pattern, and let me just say I am in love. The photos do not do the dress justice. It has side and back ruffles with two little pockets. Deirdre even picked out the fabric herself on our first trip to the fabric store together. The fabric is a 1930s reproduction fabric with lille Danish girls in clogs, sailboats, and windmills on it. I cannot wait to show it to her tomorrow. Now all I have left to do is get the buttons on- they're coming in the mail and are super cute! Until then I bid you Adieu! 

Funny Fruit Embroidery- not related to the dress!
Daily Verse:
Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.
— Psalm 28:9 (NIV)

Myth Busting: How Reading is Taught in a Waldorf School

I love Sarah Baldwin and her methods. This is a great article to read if you've wondered about Waldorf schools and reading.

Myth Busting: How Reading is Taught in a Waldorf School

Baby Bunnies?!

Update: No babies as of tonight! 6/62011

Todays post will be short and sweet! After church today I went outside to check on the chickens and the bunnies in the new coop. Much to my shock and surprise, Duffy (Our new black Dutch) made a nest lined with her fur. I proceeded to watch her for a few minutes and indeed she was busily ripping out her stomach fur and making a straw nest. 

Obviously I was shocked. She does not look any different, so we will see what happens and then if babies do come, we will keep them all and promptly have the all spayed and neutered. 

About two months ago my husband noticed that Cicero (Our almost 7 year old 'female' lionhead rabbit -or so we thought) was looking kinda old. I have had her since 2006 and when I got her she was already 2 years old. I took her to the vet and he sexed her as a female and then gave her all the necessary shots. I chose to not have 'her' spayed because I was only planning on having one rabbit. Well a marriage and two kids later, Cicero is still with us. Craig worried that she would die soon and wanted to get another bunny so that it would not be so hard to the kids. Also let me just put this out here but at first he hated Cicero and Cicero hated him. Have you ever heard a rabbit growl? Well my husband has. Obviously Cicero wanted me all to 'herself'. But I digress! 

Anyway so off to the SPCA we go to adopt a sweet black Dutch female bunny. They did not spay her and we saw no reason to since Cicero was a girl. NOT! After we caught Cicero repeatedly mounting Duffy- we realized the vet had made a huge mistake. But since no babies came we assumed that Cicero- now a boy- was too old. 

So... we will see! My husband and I are excited to have more bunnies and to keep them all, so this should be a fun learning experience. Good thing that we have two coops and one hutch now. 

Cicero aka 'Fluffy'. My first baby in college. I was learning Latin when i got her so I named her Cicero. 

Daily Verse: 
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
-Proverbs 17:17

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Coop

Finally at long last we have a secure coop for our brood. After last year's debacle with the local feral cat colony, we knew this year that we need a secure coop. 

Our new coop is very nice. It is cedar and has two levels, nesting boxes, an easy clean tray, and a small run underneath. Needless to say the brood is happy to be out of the old bunny cage at night. Now all we need to put in is a roosting pole. 

Simba (our Buff Brahma) is excited and HUGE! He is only 10weeks old. He might look mean but he is a sweetheart and purrs when you hold him. 

Our garden is also busting out right now. We have already had a large crop of lettuce, spinach, arugula, and strawberries  Now we're just getting in cherry tomatoes. The squash, cantaloupe, peppers, and watermelon are going crazy! 

So at any rate, we are busy over here and soaking up the summer these past two mild days.  We have had dinner on the porch two nights in a row and are loving it. Enjoy your weekend and the outdoors!

One garden bed- we have two additional ones. 
The First Crepe Myrtle Bloom of the summer! They smell divine!
Cicero (Our Lionhead buck) also likes the coop. We house our chickens and rabbits together. They all cuddle together at night. Its quite adorable.

The Felt Gnomes: A Reference

The Felt Gnomes: A Reference

The felt gnomes are very easy but they are not my own creation. Kimara over as Wee Folk Art dreamed up these beauties. I copied her patterns almost perfectly except that I simplified my felt capes. I am not that great of an embroiderer so I thought a little mushroom and pumpkin were easier than her stitches for me. 

I also use 100% wool felt. She seems to be a fan of a 50/50 wool blend. I bought my 100% wool felt from Material Evidence at Esty. I find that 100% is stiffer and brighter. But to each their own because Kimara certainly knows what she is talking about! I also bought my wood peg people from my local Michael's shop in the wood section for $1.50. 

Link to Kimara's free felt gnome pattern :

Enjoy and create! 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Wood Burning Gnome Tutorial

Wait, what? Where did the tutorial go? Well let me tell you! This tutorial is up for consideration to be published in the Autumn edition of "Rhythm of the Home". Until they make a decision, it will remain hidden due to publishing rights- so sorry! But regardless of what they choose you will be able to view the article on their site or mine. So lets hope they like it and decide to publish it! 

{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

::right now::

I wanted to have a gnome tutorial posted tonight but alas, life happened. My husband works night shifts generally, he is a sommelier and maitre'd, but tonight he actually had the night off! That was until another employee called in sick so he had to work a double. 

Oh well. So instead of having a rare family dinner- in our house we have to do family lunches- the kids and I had a picnic dinner in the park (since that was the most bearable time to be outside). I think it was about 90 degrees here today and no breeze. 

So tonight I will steal another SouleMama tradition of doing a 'right now' blog with promises of crafty goodness to come tomorrow. 

All done! 

The sleeping gnomes and owl

The flower fairies- but I might call them sprites. 

The were so much fun

From Amanda Soule's Book: The Creative Family. An art display rack. We were in desperate need of one and the best part is I found it thrifted. Then I sanded it and repainted it. Nice for $1 right? 

The Tomten Sweater and felt fairies in progress. 

And new embroidery that I cannot wait to start!!! 
right now, I am...
:: feeling hopeful and excited about our futures here in the Kleemann family. This summer will be a fun transition for all of us to a new home with lots of changes in store. 
:: cooking up ideas for the aforementioned new home. Places for thought and retreat for the entire family await us.  
:: loving my baby boy's sweet spirit and budding personality. He loves life and I wish I could remember to love life like he does more often. 
:: making a mess with paints galore. The art display rack, gnomes, fairies, and owls are all done. 
:: remembering just how much I miss living right next to the ocean on blistering peninsula summer days. 
:: marveling at my daughter's imagination and curiosity. Neither of which I can take any credit for and I like it that way
:: smelling the wet smell of the earth mingled with my tomato plants. That smell reminds me of my Grandfather
:: hearing a drove of cardinal fledglings eat the suet that we set up for them yesterday near the playroom window and being able to share that moment with Deirdre. 
:: relishing every milestone and moment at home with my kids. Seeing the world through their eyes is such a wondrous gift and I thank the Lord for allowing Craig and I to be their guide. 
:: wishing you and yours a lovely day and a beautiful start to your weekend!

Fiddler on the Roof

Ah so tonight the husband and I went to see the play 'Fiddler on the Roof"at the Chrysler Hall. It was lovely and just the respite we needed. Kid-free bliss with time to share more hopes and dreams we have for the coming months and years. I so dearly treasure my rare one on one moments with Craig. That was the best part of the night. So while I had grand plans to write more tonight, I will leave it at this and pick back up the blogging tomorrow. I also had one glass of wine and well apparently I do not hold my wine well and now I am sleeeeeepy. 


Goodnight my lovely friends!